Hayley (2)


Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to come visit Anne’s site.

Here is information about an illustrated poetry project called LITER – Art.

With a passion for children’s imagination, let us celebrate their creativity.

Since 1995, LITER – Art has been seen in six different states, two Canadian cities and in Lahore, Pakistan.

The Groton, MA students mentioned below were honoring the tenth anniversary of National Poetry Month.

You may have interest in this unique concept. We certainly hope you do.

Think of the inspirational art you see hung on walls everywhere.

How often do you see poetry displayed in that way? Does it have value? Some believe yes, it does.

Please share this message and also let us know your opinion. For the children, it is exciting!

Groton kids promote peace through art and poetry

by RITA SAVARD, Sun Staff  Lowell Sun      April 22, 2006

GROTON — How is world peace seen through the eyes of children?
Look around Groton and the answers are everywhere, from the local pizza shop to Town Hall.
“Peace looks like pizza,” according to one second-grader.
“It sounds like a cat purring,” another writes.
War will be over,” notes a third-grader.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of National Poetry Month, more than 580 students at Florence Roche Elementary School are sharing visions of peace with the entire town by wallpapering 19 businesses and public buildings with illustrated poems. The concept is called LITER-Art, a way for kids to express thoughts and feelings  in words and pictures.

“It’s different from seeing a Picasso,” says parent Laurie. “It’s so innocent and untainted. And that’s beautiful.”

LITER-Art was the brainchild of Karen M. Kline of North Andover, executive director of American Community Think Tank — a nonprofit dedicated to promoting public awareness of the imagination of children.

Shaving cream also played a part.  [  http://burma-shave.org/ ]

Memories of family road trips from Kline’s youth, driving from New York to Ohio and Canada, are peppered with Burma-Shave signs. About 7,000 of the small, wooden road signs dotted cow pastures and farm fields through America’s country roads. The series of signs advertised a brushless shaving cream, but they also became a fun part of travel, offering little nuggets of wisdom for passers-by.

“I thought, we could do that with kids poems,” Kline says. “I’m interested in letting children make their own creative choices.”

“Kids hate standardization, they want choices,” Kline says. “How do you get them to think outside the box if you keep stuffing them into one?”

If American Community Think Tank had a board of directors, kids would rule the table. Kline might have brought LITER-Art to the students at Florence Roche, but it was the kids who gave it meaning, she says.

Adults are not only pondering the messages, they’re also responding. Hundreds of comment cards have been pouring in, each thanking a child artist for their inspiration, says Barbara Scofidio, co-owner of N.O.A. gallery.

The students will start receiving their mail in class next week.

“I’m amazed at the depth these kids have shown,” Scofidio says. “The impact is huge. It’s connecting people in the community.”
Standing with her hands on her hips, 10-year-old Alana, peruses the work of her peers.
“It’s pretty cool,” she says matter-of-factly. “I hope that somebody is going to write back to us.”
For Alana, peace means a world without war, where everyone has something to eat and something to wear.
Peace, according to a poem by Jonathan B., is the “one thing on earth we don’t have.”
Do kids think peace is possible?
“I hope so,” says Calli, 10, who thinks “prejudice” is the main problem standing in the way.
“What does that mean?” Alana asks Calli.
“People might have a certain view of others before they’ve met them,” she answers.

Rita Savard’s eddress is rsavard@lowellsun.com   This e-mail was initiated by machine [] at IP []


One note, Alana mentions she hopes “somebody is going to write back to us.”  people did!  Students received over 3,000 Comment Cards back from strangers they will probably never meet but who were delighted to see and enjoy their effort.

Such encouragement is invaluable!

Thank you for your kind attention.